JHPCN Themes 【年別一覧】
2011 | FY 2011 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 40 themes |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
11-DA01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-IS01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-IS02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-IS03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-IS04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-MD01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-MD02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-MD03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-MD04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-MD05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-MD06 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA00 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA06 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA07 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA08 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA09 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA10 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA11 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA12 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA13 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA14 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA15 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA16 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA17 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA18 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA19 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA20 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA21 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA22 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA23 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA24 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA25 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA26 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA27 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
11-NA28 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2012 | FY 2012 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 36 themes |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
12-DA01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-DA02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-DA03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-DA04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-DA05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-IS01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-IS02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-IS03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-MD01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-MD02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-MD03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-MD04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-MD05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-MD06 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-MD07 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA00 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA06 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA07 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA08 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA09 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA10 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA11 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA12 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA13 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA14 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA15 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA16 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA17 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NA18 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NW01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
12-NW02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2013 | FY 2013 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 46 themes |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
13-DA04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-IS03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-IS04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-IS05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-MD05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA00 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA23 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA24 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA25 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA26 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA27 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA28 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA29 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
13-NA30 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130000-NA99 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130001-NA01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130002-NA02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130003-MD01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130005-NA03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130007-MD02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130008-NA04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130009-NA05 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130010-NA06 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130011-NA07 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130013-NA08 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130014-NA09 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130015-NA10 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130016-DA01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130017-NA11 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130019-MD03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130020-NA12 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130021-NA13 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130022-NA14 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130023-NA15 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130024-NA16 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130026-MD04 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130029-NA17 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130031-NA18 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130035-IS01 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130037-DA02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130038-NA19 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130040-NA20 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130042-IS02 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130044-NA21 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130045-NA22 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh130050-DA03 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2014 | FY 2014 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 35 themes |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
14-IS01 |
Verifying effectiveness of packet pacing on large-scale parallel programs by simulation Hidetomo Shibamura(Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-IS02 |
Building Large-Scale Distributed Design Exploration Framework by Collaborating Supercomputers and Inter-Cloud Systems Masaharu Munetomo(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-MD03 |
A Framework for Jointing Computation Center with User-Level Management System Hideyuki Jitsumoto(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA00 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA04 |
Ultra-large-scale massively parallel electronic state calculations based on collaboration between physics, mathematics and HPC Takeo Hoshi(Tottori University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA05 |
Large-scale simulations of solar magnetic activities Takaaki Yokoyama(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA07 |
Realistic tsunami analysis from seismic center to urban area using hierarchical domain decomposition numerical framework Kohei Murotani(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA16 |
Large-scale Fluid Simulation and Visualization for Disaster Prevention and Environment Kazuo Kashiyama(Chuo University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA17 |
A Large Scale Parallel Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Acoustics for a Wind Instrument with a Bent Tube Taizo Kobayashi(Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA22 |
Refinement of Parallel Efficiency and 3D Visualization for Computational Fluid Dynamics of Polymer Melt Takahiro Murashima(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA25 |
Large-scale parallel simulation of seismic and tsunami waves for the study of mega-thrust earthquakes in subduction zones Hiroshi Takenaka(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NA28 |
Demonstrative study of commoditization of high-end Virtual Reality system Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy of JAPAN) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
14-NW01 |
A study on fast migration scheme for network service environment based on multiple virtualization technique Yuji Sekiya(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140002-NA01 |
Massively-Parallel Plasma Particle Simulation Hideyuki Usui(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140004-NA02 |
Practical study of JHPCN-DF (Jointed Hierarchical Precision Compression Number -Data Format) for efficient VR visualization of large data system Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy of JAPAN) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140005-NA03 |
Large scale simulation for innovation of fracture mechanics and nondestructive testing in infrastructure Kazuyuki Nakahata(Ehime University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140008-NA06 |
Very large phase-field simulations for accurate prediction of solidification microstructure and its acceleration Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140011-NA08 |
Effect of Large Scale Coherent Motions on the Mass Transfer Rate in High-Reynolds-Number Wall Bounded Shear Flow Yoshiyuki Tsuji(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140013-NA09 |
High-resolution Weather Prediction Code based on High-productivity Framework for Multi-GPU computation Takashi Shimokawabe(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140014-MD01 |
A huge and high resolution numerical simulation of urban air flow in Tokyo using lattice Boltzmann method Manabu Kanda(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140017-NA10 |
Application of GPGPU to Seismic Hazard Assessment Shin Aoi(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140020-NA11 |
Algorithm Development Towards Next-Generation Petascale CFD Daisuke Sasaki(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140022-NA12 |
Computational Science of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Complex Turbulent Flow Phenomena Takashi Ishihara(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140023-NA13 |
Study of large scale semiconductor device simulation for the next generation power devices Shinji Odanaka(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140025-NA14 |
Interaction between a huge number of micro particles with internal degrees of freedom and turbulent mixing Toshiyuki Gotoh(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140026-MD02 |
Collaborative HPC study of the coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of filler filled polymeric materials Hiroshi Morita(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140029-NA15 |
Development of Massively Parallel Program, OpenFMO, for Fragment Molecular Orbital method on Multi-platform Toshio Watanabe(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140033-NA18 |
Development of numerical optimization tool for polycrystalline metallic microstructure control by using multi-phase-field method Akinori Yamanaka(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140034-NA19 |
Theoretical elucidation on highly-sophisticated catalytic mechanisms in the assimilatory nitrate reductase Mitsuo Shoji(University of Tsukuba) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140036-NA20 |
Large-scale Particle Simulations using Dynamic Load Balance on a GPU Supercomputer Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140038-NA21 |
Towards innovative simulation technologies in mechanical engineering Hiroyuki Takizawa(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140042-NA23 |
Development of Next Generation Accretion Disk Simulator Ryoji Matsumoto(Chiba University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140043-NA24 |
Development of a relativistic hydrodynamics code and its application to very high energy gamma-ray binaries Atsuo Okazaki(Hokkai-Gakuen University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140046-NA26 |
Simulations of Ocean and Atmosphere in the Pan-Okhotsk region Tomohiro Nakamura(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh140047-NA27 |
Transient Fluid Analysis using Integer Lattice Boltzmann Method for Application of Direct Numerical Simulations Tadashi Watanabe(University of Fukui) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2015 | FY 2015 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 36 themes |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
15-DA01 |
Empirical analysis of socio-economic data Takaaki Ohnishi(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-IS03 |
Research and Development towards Lightweight Virtual Machine Environments for Next-generation Super Computers Takahiro Shinagawa(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-NA00 |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-NA06 |
Optimization of the tile algorithm for a matrix decomposition on highly parallel environments Tomohiro Suzuki(University of Yamanashi) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-NA07 |
Quantum Transport Simulator for the Next Generation Transistors Nobuya Mori(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-NA12 |
Large-scale parallel simulation of seismic and tsunami waves for the study of mega-thrust earthquakes in subduction zones Hiroshi Takenaka(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-NA15 |
Development of fast solvation free energy calculation program based on the integral equation theory for molecular liquids to investigate large biomolecular systems Yutaka Maruyama(RIKEN) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-NA17 |
Numerical modeling of fracture process in infrastructure and large scale simulation for nondestructive testing Kazuyuki Nakahata(Ehime University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
15-NA22 |
Computational mechanics for disaster prevention taking account of fluid-solid interactions Satoru Ushijima(Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150002-NA01 |
Practical study of JHPCN-DF (Jointed Hierarchical Precision Compression Number - Data Format) for efficient VR visualization of large data system Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy of JAPAN) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150003-NA02 |
Explosion of new direction of Parallel-in-Time and applications Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy of JAPAN) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150004-NA03 |
Massively-parallelized particle simulation of space plasma phenomena Yohei Miyake(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150005-NA04 |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki Ohtani(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150006-NA05 |
Software Infrastructure for High Performance Electromagnetic Field Simulation Based on Co-design Approach Takeshi Iwashita(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150008-IS01 |
Study on Optimization of MHD and FDTD Codes to Vector-type and Xeon Phi computer systems Keiichiro Fukazawa(Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150011-NA08 |
Large-scale simulations of solar magnetic activities Takaaki Yokoyama(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150012-NA09 |
Interaction between turbulent mixing and a large ensemble of tiny particles with internal degrees of freedom Toshiyuki Gotoh(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150014-NA10 |
Large-scale dendrite growth simulations using phase-field and molecular dynamics methods Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150015-NA11 |
Optimization of the general-purpose parallelized MD software MODYLAS for many-core architectures Yoshimichi Andoh(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150017-NA13 |
Large-scale multi-phase-field simulation of polycrystalline grain growth in a system containing mobile dispersed particles Akinori Yamanaka(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150020-NA14 |
Computational Science of Complex Multi-Scale Turbulent Flow Phenomena Takashi Ishihara(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150026-NA16 |
Development and Application of Risk Assessment Simulation Techniques on Heat Stroke Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150028-MD01 |
Development of science big-data sharing mechanism for computing resource federation Satoshi Matsuoka(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150030-NA18 |
Acceleration of 3D Electromagnetic Field Analysis with a Numerical Framework based on Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Shin-ichiro Sugimoto(Tokyo University of Science, Suwa) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150031-NA19 |
Development of a Fast Multipole Method Library for Various Architectures and its Evaluation Using Molecular and Fluid Dynamics Simulations Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150032-NA20 |
Understanding of turbulence generating and sustaining mechanism based on vortex dynamics Seiichiro Izawa(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150033-IS02 |
Data Transfer Examinations for Big-data Post-Processing via Cloud Technologies Ken T. Murata(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150034-NA21 |
Developments of Next Generation Accretion Disk Simulator Ryoji Matsumoto(Chiba University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150035-MD02 |
Study on Large-Scale CFD Method Toward Environmental-Friendly and Safe Aircraft Design Daisuke Sasaki(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150039-NA23 |
The 2.5-D simulation of seismic wave propagation with Greenland ice sheet models Genti Toyokuni(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150042-MD03 |
An Evaluation of Coupled Application with User-Level Framework for Jointing Computation Center Hideyuki Jitsumoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150046-NA24 |
Architecture Aware Communication Avoiding Techniques for Extreme Large Simulations Toshio Endo(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150047-NA25 |
Development of High-productivity Framework for Large-scale GPU/CPU Computing and the Framework-based Simulation Code for the Air Flow in an Urban City Takashi Shimokawabe(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150048-NA26 |
Large-scale Particle Simulations using Dynamic Load Balance on a GPU Supercomputer || -- Application to Fluid-Structure Interaction Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150049-NA27 |
Simulations of Ocean and Atmosphere in the Pan-Okhotsk region Tomohiro Nakamura(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh150050-IS04 |
An empirical study on remote distribution system for high-resolution visualization images towards efficient use of large-scale computational results Hirotake Abe(University of Tsukuba) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2016 | FY 2016 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 39 themes | |
FY 2016 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh160002-NAJ |
Study on parallel algorithms for solving matrices by using iterative methods and direct methods on distributed-memory supercomputers Akiyoshi Wakatani(Konan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160007-NAJ |
Development of a Next Generation Simulator of Accretion Disks Shigenobu Hirose(JAMSTEC) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160008-NAH |
Development and Application of Risk Assessment Simulation Techniques on Heat Stroke Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160009-NAJ |
Inter-node communication optimization of tile algorithms for matrix factorization in distributed memory environment Tomohiro Suzuki(University of Yamanashi) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160010-NAH |
Computational science toward innovative plasma-nanopowder mass-production Masaya Shigeta(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160012-NAJ |
Interaction bewteen tubulence and a large ensemble of micro particles with internal degrees of freedom Toshiyuki Gotoh(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160013-NAH |
Massively-Parallelized Particle Simulation of Space Plasma Phenomena Yohei Miyake(Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160014-ISH |
Data Locality Optimization Strategies for AMR Applications on GPU-accelerated Supercomputer Mohamed Wahib(RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160015-NAH |
Self-organization and emergence of order in spatial economics: Spatial coordination of population and industrial agglomerations Tomoya Mori, Yuki Takayama and Hiroshi Nakashima(Kyoto University, Kanazawa University and Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160020-NAH |
Large scale simulation of polydisperse multiphase flow with reaction and metastability Akiko Matsuo(Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160022-NAHC |
Development of numerical simulation techniques for geologic CO2 sequestration on post-peta scale platform Hajime Yamamoto(Taisei Corporation) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160023-NAH |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki Ohtani(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160024-NAHC |
Construction of the use scheme of HPC to make three dimensional models from experimental data of SPring-8 by particle mesh two dimensional pattern reverse Monte Carlo analysis Tetsuo Tominaga(JSR Corporation) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160025-DAHI |
High-performance Randomized Matrix Computations for Big Data Analytics and Applications Takahiro Katagiri(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160027-NAJ |
Acceleration of 3D Electromagnetic Field Analysis with a Numerical Framework based on Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO(Tokyo University of Science, Suwa) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160028-NAJ |
Multi-Platform Development of Fusion Plasma Turbulence Code toward Post-Petascale Era Shinya Maeyama(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160029-NAH |
Large-scale parallel simulation of seismic and tsunami waves for the study of mega-thrust earthquakes in subduction zones Hiroshi Takenaka(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160031-NAH |
Development of large-scale GPU computing technique for phase-field crystal simulation of polycrystalline grain growth Akinori Yamanaka(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160032-NAJ |
A study for demonstration on the building of a next generation applied aerodynamics research platform using a fast CFD code Yuichi Matsuo(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160035-DAJ |
Large-scale Computation for Synchronization Analysis with Random Neural Networks Hiromichi Suetani(Oita University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160036-NAH |
Basic research of next generation large scale HPC use for coarse grained MD of polymer materials Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160037-NAJ |
Development of GPU Tsunami Simulator for Tsunami Real-time Forecast Shin Aoi(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160038-NAH |
Very-large-scale grain growth simulations using multi-phase-field and molecular dynamics methods Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160039-NAJ |
Advanced Electromagnetic Field Analyses Based On HPC Technology Takeshi Iwashita(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160040-NAJ |
Parallelization of general-purpose molecular dynamics software MODYLAS optimized for many cores and wide SIMD architectures Yoshimichi Andoh(Center of Computational Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160041-NAHI |
Hierarchical low-rank approximation methods on distributed memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Global Scientific Information and Computing Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160042-NAH |
A Large-scale multiphase simulation based on direct interaction between non-spherical particles and fluid using Lattice Boltzmann Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement Takayuki Aoki(Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160045-MDJ |
Numerical and Experimental collaborative study for breakthrough of high-Reynolds number turbulent flows and its application Yoshinobu Yamamoto(University of Yamanashi) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160046-NAJ |
Quantum Transport Simulator for the Next Generation Transistors Nobuya Mori(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160047-NAJ |
High-fidelity Multi-desciprinaly Design of Winged Space Craft Using High Performance Computing Masahiro Kanazaki(Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160048-NAJ |
Verification & Validation of fluid-structure interaction simulation tools for the natural disaster prediction Mitsuteru Asai(Department of Civil Engineering, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160050-NAJ |
Computational Science of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Complex Turbulent Flow Phenomena Takashi Ishihara(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160051-NAH |
Development of an AMR framework to realize effective high-resolution simulations Takashi Shimokawabe(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160052-ISH |
A Research and a Practical Operation for the wide-area distributed virtualization infrastructure with disaster-tolerance and fault-tolerance evaluating system Hiroki Kashiwazaki(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160054-NAH |
Developments of large-scale CFD simulations of ship behaviour and performance Naoyuki Onodera(National Maritime Research Institute) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160055-NAHI |
Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Analysis in Subarachnoid Space Ryusuke Egawa(Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160056-ISH |
Toward a resilient software defined infrastructure to support disaster management applications Yasuhiro Watashiba(Nara Institute of Science and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160057-NAH |
Development of a Powerful Tool for the Effective Particle Simulations of Debris Flows Using Dynamic Load Balance on a GPU Supercomputer. Satori Tsuzuki(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh160060-NAJ |
Simulations of Ocean Circulation and Mixing in the Pan-Okhotsk Region Tomohiro Nakamura(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2017 | FY 2017 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 46 themes | |
FY 2017 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh170003-NAH |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki OHTANI(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170005-NAH |
Massively-Parallelized Particle Simulation of Space Plasma Phenomena Yohei Miyake(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170009-NAH |
Development of parallel LES code for Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Hideaki Miura(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170010-NAH |
Development and application of risk evaluation for heat stroke Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170011-DAJ |
None Takahiro Katagiri(Information Technology Center, Nagoya Unversity) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170013-NAH |
Interaction bewteen tubulence and a large ensemble of micro particles with internal degrees of freedom Toshiyuki Gotoh(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170014-NAH |
Flooding analysis of a large cruise ship using a large-scale particle method Hirotada Hashimoto(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170015-NAH |
Development of a high performance GPU code using the thermal LBM for very large scale simulations of turbulent heat transfer on complex solid-fluid interfaces Kazuhiko Suga(Osaka Prefecture University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170016-NAH |
Large scale and multi-scale simulation of Solid particle – fluid coupled problem and it application to disaster mitigation and prevention MItsuteru Asai(kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170017-NAH |
Development of Efficient Spatiotemporal Boundary Integral Equation Method and Applications to Simulations of Large Earthquakes Ryosuke Ando(School of Science, University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170018-NAH |
Development of high accurate analysis method of grain growth by fusing molecular dynamics method and phase-field method Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170020-NAJ |
Optimisation of Fusion Plasma Turbulence Code toward Post-Petascale Era II Shinya Maeyama(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170021-NAJ |
Large scale acoustic-fluid analysis on air-jet instruments and some pieces of acoustic equipment Kin'ya Takahashi(Kyushu Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170022-NAJ |
Large-scale parallel simulation of seismic and tsunami waves for the study of mega-thrust earthquakes in subduction zones Hiroshi Takenaka(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170024-NAH |
Parallelization of general-purpose molecular dynamics software MODYLAS suitable for clusters with many cores and wide SIMD architectures Yoshimichi Andoh(Center for computational Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170026-NAJ |
3-D modeling of seismic wave propagation through the Greenland ice sheet Genti Toyokuni(Department of Geophysics, Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170027-NAJ |
Ocean Modeling with a Manycore Supercomputer (Simulations of Ocean Circulation and Mixing in the Pan-Okhotsk Region) Tomohiro Nakamura(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170028-NAJC |
Development of numerical simulation techniques for geologic CO2 sequestration on post-peta scale platform Hajime Yamamoto(Taisei Corporation) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170029-NAJ |
None Daisuke Sasaki(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170031-NAH |
Development of real-time air flow simulation using lattice Boltmann method Naoyuki Onodera(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170032-NAH |
Optimizations of Jet Engine Blades Air Flow Simulation for Many-core Supercomputers Tetsuya Hoshino(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170033-NAJ |
High Perfomance Computing Enviroment Applied to Airframe and Thrust Design of Winged Rocket For Practical Use Masahiro Kanazaki(Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170034-ISH |
Mash-up of high-performance numerical computing and high-speed data transfer for large-scale data file transfer between universities and their demonstration experiments with real dataset Ken T. Murata(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170035-NAJ |
GPU Accelerated Mass Scale Tsunami Simulation for Realtime Run-up Forecast Shin Aoi(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170036-DAH |
Study of computer-assisted detection of lesions in medical images using Deep Learning Issei Sato(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170038-DAH |
Evaluation of large-scale reinforcement learning Tomoyuki Kaneko(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170040-NAH |
Large scale simulation of polydisperse multiphase flow with reaction and metastability Akiko Matsuo(Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170041-NWH |
Study of thinking networks by the trinity of user equipment, network edges, and cloud Akihiro Nakao(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170042-ISJ |
international deployments and flexible collaborations with computing resources of HPCI-JHPCN system for a wide-area distributed platform with self-validation for fault and disaster tolerance Hiroki Kashiwazaki(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170043-MDJ |
Numerical and Experimental collaborative study for breakthrough of high-Reynolds number turbulent flows and its application Yoshinobu Yamamoto(University of Yamanashi) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170044-NAH |
Extension of the AMR framework for supporting various architectures Takashi Shimokawabe(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170045-NAJ |
Development of numerical methods for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous and anisotropic materials and their application to nondestructive inspection Takahiro SAITOH(Department of civil and environmental engineering, Gunma University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170046-NAJ |
Expansion of industrial use of innovative design technology for transportation equipment using micro flow-control device by large-scale simulation None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170047-NAJ |
A study for demonstration on the building of a next generation applied aerodynamics research platform using a fast CFD code Yuichi Matsuo(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170048-NWH |
Remote Interactive In-Situ Visualization using Particle Data for Volume Visualization Takuma Kawamura(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170049-ISJ |
None None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170051-NAH |
Developments of particle methods with high accuracy and their applications to large-scale computational fluid dynamics Yusuke Imoto(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170052-MDJ |
Test and Evaluation on Wide-area Data Staging That Cooperates with Scheduler Hirotake Abe(University of Tsukuba) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170053-NAJ |
A study on advanced parallel direct solver for a linear system appearing in the electronic structure calculation of conductive polymers Takeshi Fukaya(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170054-NAHI |
Development of Time-Reversal Method for Detecting Multiple Moving Targets Behind the Wall Takeshi Nanri(Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170055-NAH |
Enhancement of the GW space-time code for investigating organic-metal interface electronic structure Susumu Yanagisawa(University of the Ryukyus) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170056-ISJ |
None Yasuhiro Watashiba(Nara Institute of Science and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170057-NAHI |
Hierarchical low-rank approximation methods on distributed memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh170058-NAHI |
None Takeo Hoshi(Tottori University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh171002-NWJ |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh171006-NWJ |
Real-time and Proactive Data Analysis for Cyber Security Yuji Sekiya(The University of Tokyo, ITC) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2018 | FY 2018 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 52 themes | |
FY 2018 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh180003-NAH |
Development of LES code for magnetohydrodynamic turbulence Hideaki Miura(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180006-NAH |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki OHTANI(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180007-MDH |
Large scale acoustic-fluid analysis on air-jet instruments and some pieces of acoustic equipment Kin'ya Takahashi(Kyushu Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180009-NAH |
Interaction bewteen tubulent mxing and large ensemble of micro particles with internal degrees of freedom Toshiyuki Gotoh(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180012-NAHI |
Hierarchical Low-Rank Approximation Methods on Distributed Memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180017-NAH |
Development and application of risk evaluation for heat stroke Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180018-NAJ |
Massively-Parallelized Particle Simulation of Space Plasma Phenomena Yohei Miyake(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180020-ISJ |
Developments of information infrastructure for deep learning based analysis of two-dimensional scattering patterns of polymer materials during fracture and formation processes Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180021-NAJ |
Numerical simulation of stellar mergers, disruptions, and explosions Ataru Tanikawa(College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180022-NAHI |
Innovative Multigrid Methods Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180023-NAH |
Large-scale Simulations by Advanced Numerical Methods with High-Performance/Adaptive-Precision/High-Reliability Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180024-MDJ |
Physiologically realistic study of subcellular calcium dynamics with nanometer resolution Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180026-NAJ |
High Performance Computational (HPC) Studies on Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics using Atoms and Molecules DAS BHANU PRATAP(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180027-DAJ |
High-performance Randomized Matrix Computations for Big Data Analytics and Applications Takahiro Katagiri(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180028-NAJ |
Isogeometric analysis for nonlocal stress field around lattice defects Ryuichi Tarumi(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180029-NAJ |
Implementation of parallel sparse solver on CPU-GPU hybrid architecture Atsushi Suzuki(Cybermedia Center, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180030-NAJ |
Large scale simulation on detonation propagation in disk-shaped rotating detonation engine combustor Akiko Matsuo(Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180032-NAJ |
Cartesian-Based CFD/CAA Hybrid Method for Noise Prediction in Aerospace Fields Daisuke Sasaki(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180034-NAH |
Domain Partitioning with Compatibility between Load Balance and Communication Cost using Topology Optimization of MPF Method Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180035-NAH |
A Fully-explicit Computation for Incompressible Gas-liquid Two-phase Flows with Mesh Refinement Adapting to Interfaces and Implementation on a GPU Supercomputer Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180036-NAH |
Database development of grain boundary anisotropic properties by data assimilation and large-scale grain growth phase-field simulations Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180040-NAH |
Optimisation of real time tsunami inundation simulation for modern supercomputer systems Akihiro Musa(Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180041-NAH |
Plume Dispersion Simulation using Lattice Boltzmann Method in Urban Area Naoyuki Onodera(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180042-NAH |
Developing Monte Carlo codes available for high-density 2-color QCD as a way to determine the phase diagram Kei Iida, Katsuya Ishiguro, Etsuko Itou, Tong-Gyu Lee(Kochi University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180043-NAH |
Development of efficient algorithm for spatiotemporal boundary integral equation method and application to gigantic earthquake simulations Ryosuke Ando, Daisuke Sato(School of Science, University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180044-NAJ |
Two-phase GPU computation by pressure evolution LBM for droplet infiltration to porous media Masayuki Kaneda(Osaka Prefecture University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180045-NAH |
Investigation of formation and evolution history of galaxies using high-precision and high-resolution simulations Yohei Miki(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180048-NAH |
Flooding analysis of a large cruise ship using a large-scale particle method Hirotada Hashimoto(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180049-NAH |
Development of numerical methods for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous and anisotropic materials and their application to nondestructive inspection None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180050-NAJ |
Improvement of strong scalability of software MODYLAS by optimizing parallelized operations and communications Yoshimichi ANDOH(Institute for Molecular Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180051-NAJ |
Development and Application of Large-Scale Multiphase Flow Simulation based on Immersed Boundary Method Shun Takahashi(Tokai University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180052-NAJ |
Simulation of seismic-waves incorporating non-linear responses of subsurface layers for studies of strong-motion prediction and source processes Hiroshi Takenaka(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180053-NAJ |
Mechanism for meson mass generation in lattice QCD with domain wall fermions Motoo Sekiguchi(Kokushikan university) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180054-ISJ |
Inter-datacenter file transfer examinations for HPC using real datasets Ken T. Murata(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180057-NAJ |
High Performance Computing Environment Applied to Airframe and Thrust Design of Winged Rocket For Practical Use Masahiro Kanazaki(Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180058-NAH |
Dark matter from lattice gauge theory Hideaki Iida(Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180059-NWH |
Study of thinking networks by the trinity of user equipment, network edges, and cloud Akihiro Nakao(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180060-NAH |
Constructions of fundamental theory in particle methods and their expansion to a large-scale simulator Yusuke Imoto(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180061-NAH |
Advancement of an AMR framework to realize effective high-resolution simulations Takashi Shimokawabe(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180062-NAJ |
Study on mass transfer in complex turbulent flows by large-scale numerical simulation. Tatsuya TSUNEYOSHI(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180065-NAH |
Soil - structure - fluid interaction simulation for heavy rain disaster magnitude prediction and establishment of its international standard examples for V&V Mitsuteru Asai(kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180067-DAJ |
Evaluation of large-scale reinforcement learning Tomoyuki Kaneko(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180069-NAH |
Enhancement of the GW space-time code for large-scale calculation of organic-metal interfaces None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180070-NAH |
Large scale simulation on layered coal dust explosion induced by shock wave Akiko Matsuo(Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180073-DAH |
Study of computer-assisted detection of lesions in medical images using Deep Learning Issei Sato(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180076-NWH |
SIMD Optimization of In-Situ Visualization System using Particle Data Takuma Kawamura(Japan Atomic Anergy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180077-ISJ |
Resource Management System Toward Orchestration on Software-Defined IT Infrastructure Yasuhiro Watashiba(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180079-NAH |
Design of virtual aerodynamic shape by an integrated optimization of body-shape and plasma actuator installation Takashi Matsuno(Tottori University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180080-MDJ |
Gyrokinetic simulation of divertor heat-load in magnetic fusion devices None(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180081-NAHI |
Optimisation of Fusion Plasma Turbulence Code toward Post-Petascale Era III Yuuichi ASAHI(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh180082-MDHC |
Application to Design Catalyst from Consideration of Weak Interaction Energies between and within Biological Macromolecule Tomohiko Ushijima(Zeon Corporation) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh181001-NWJ |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2019 | FY 2019 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 58 themes | |
FY 2019 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh190003-NAJ |
Dynamics of the finite temperature QCD Hiroshi Suzuki(Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190004-MDJ |
Whole-volume gyrokinetic simulation of magnetic fusion plasmas with in-situ data processing Toseo Moritaka(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190005-MDH |
Combination of HPC and high-speed data transfer technologies for big-data processing systems Takeshi Murata(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190006-NAJ |
Development of high-performance parallel code for LES of MHD turbulence Hideaki Miura(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190007-NAH |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki Ohtani(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190008-NAH |
Development and Application of Risk Evaluation for Heat Stroke Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190010-MDH |
Large-scale aeroacoustic simulation on wind instruments Kin’ya Takahashi(Kyushu Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190011-NAJ |
Constructions of fundamental theory in particle methods and their expansion to multiphysics simulator Masao Ogino(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190014-NAH |
High accuracy simulation for flood damage estimation in Japan So Kazama(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190015-NAJ |
Developing Accuracy Assured High Performance Numerical Libraries for Eigenproblems Takahiro Katagiri(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190016-NAJ |
Study on Massively-parallelized Plasma Particle Simulation Method Yohei Miyake(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190018-NAH |
Interaction between turbulence mixing and ensemble of micro-particles with internal degrees of freedom Toshiyuki Gotoh(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190019-NAJ |
Networked Materials Informatics based on Absolute Energy Estimation by All-electron Mixed-basis Ab initio Computer Simulation Yoshiyuki Kawazoe(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190021-NAJ |
Study of the origin of the elements by massively parallel simulation for white dwarf explosions Ataru Tanikawa(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190022-NAJ |
High performance simulations using FreeFem++ on mixed distributed- plus shared-memory architecture Atsushi Suzuki(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190023-ISH |
Development and Scalability Evaluation of Distributed Deep Learning Framework for Extremely Large Neural Networks Masahiro Tanaka(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190024-NAH |
Large-scale phase-field simulations for grain growth with anisotropic grain boundary properties Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190028-NAH |
Isogeometric analysis for defects in crystalline lattice Ryuichi Tarumi(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190029-NAH |
Developing Monte Carlo codes available for high-density 2-color QCD as a way to determine the phase diagram Kei Iida(Kochi University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190030-NAH |
Optimization of real-time tsunami inundation simulation for modern supercomputer systems Akihiro Musa(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190031-NAJ |
Investigation of Sound-Flow Interaction of Acoustic Liner using CFD/CAA Hybrid Approach Daisuke Sasaki(Kanazawa Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190032-NAH |
Droplet motion through porous media by pressure-evolution lattice Boltzmann method Masayuki Kaneda(Osaka Prefecture University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190035-NAJ |
Detailed numerical analyses of early Universe in lattice QCD numerical simulations Masakiyo Kitazawa(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190036-NAH |
Large scale simulation on gaseous detonation with droplets Akiko Matsuo(Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190038-NAJ |
Efficient algorithms for the shortest vector problem using massive parallel computing Tadanori Teruya(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190039-ISH |
The PGAS System with High Performance and High Productivity for Multi-Core / Multi-Node Processing Hiroko Midorikawa(Seikei University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190040-MDJ |
Physiologically realistic study of subcellular calcium dynamics with nanometer resolution Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190041-NAHI |
Innovative Multigrid Methods Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190042-NAH |
Numerical Methods with High-Performance, Trans Precision and High Reliability Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190043-NAHI |
Hierarchical low-rank approximation methods on distributed memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190044-NAH |
Toward extreme-scale parallel computation of three-dimensional incompressible homogeneous turbulence Naoya Okamoto(Aichi Institute Of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190045-NAH |
High performance flow simulations of unclarified slope disasters using different numerical methods Shuji Moriguchi(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190046-NAH |
Development of efficient boundary integral equation method and application to gigantic earthquake simulations Ryosuke Ando(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190047-DAH |
Study of computer-assisted detection of lesions in medical images using Deep Learning Issei Sato(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190048-NAH |
Mechanism for meson mass generation in lattice QCD with chiral fermion Motoo Sekiguchi(Kokushikan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190049-NAH |
Development of the ensemble-based plume prediction system Naoyuki Onodera(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190050-NAH |
GPU implementation of the AMR-based thermal flow simulation code in nuclear reactors Naoyuki Onodera(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190051-NAH |
Study of phase structure at finite density QCD with GPU code and multiple precision algorithm Masayuki Wakayama(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190054-NAH |
A Fully-explicit Computation for Incompressible Gas-liquid Two-phase Flows with Mesh Refinement Adapting to Interfaces and Implementation on a GPU Supercomputer
− Application to Liquid Film and Foam − Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190055-DAJ |
Development of large-scale genome data analysis and implementation Katsushi Tokunaga(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190056-MDH |
Synthetic Populations for Real-Scale Social Simulations and Their Applications Tadahiko Murata(Kansai University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190057-NAJ |
Investigation of formation and evolution history of galaxies by high-precision and high-resolution simulations Yohei Miki(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190061-NAH |
Development of AI for automatic ship handling toward the innovation of marine transportation Hirotada Hashimoto(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190062-NAH |
Enhancement of the GW space-time code for treatment of organic-metal interfaces Susumu Yanagisawa(University of the Ryukyus) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190063-NAJ |
Study of energy-momentum tensor at physical quark mass Yusuke Taniguchi(University of Tsukuba) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190064-NAH |
Extension of AMR framework for realizing large-scale LBM simulations Takashi Shimokawabe(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190065-NAHI |
Modernizing and accelerating fusion plasma turbulence codes targeting exa-scale systems Yuuichi Asahi(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190066-DAH |
Deep neural network optimization based on dual inheritance theory and its application Takahiro Shinozaki(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190068-NAH |
Construction of a platform for data science of high Reynolds number turbulence Takashi Ishihara(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190070-MDJ |
Inference of fluid variables using machine-learning technique and mathematical background Yoshitaka Saiki(Hitotsubashi University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190072-NAJ |
State following of amorphous soft condensed matters : developments of high-performance computational schemes Hajime Yoshino(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190073-NAH |
Development of numerical methods for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous and anisotropic materials and their application to nondestructive inspection Takahiro Saitoh(Gunma University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190074-MDHI |
Development of Fast Surrogate for Approximating Large-scale 3D Blood Flow Simulation Takashi Shimokawabe(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190075-NAH |
Precise analysis of earthquake source mechanisms in the South-Western Island area based on large-scale parallel seismic-wave simulations Hiroshi Takenaka(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190076-NAJ |
Integrated optimal design for virtual aerodynamic shape with geometric deformation and distributed plasma actuators Takashi Matsuno(Tottori University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh190077-NAJ |
Development of AI system to predict the 3D face morphology after orthodontic treatment Cihiro Tanikawa(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh191002-NWJ |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh191003-NWJ |
Developing High-speed Traffic Capture and Generator Ryo Nakamura(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2020 | FY 2020 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 52 themes | |
FY 2020 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh200001-MDH |
Large-scale aeroacoustic simulation on wind instruments Kinya Takahashi(Kyushu Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200002-NAH |
Development of high-performance parallel code for LES of MHD turbulence MIURA Hideaki(National Institute for Fusion Science, Department of Helical Plasma Research) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200003-NAH |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki Ohtani(Department of Helical Plasma Research, National Institute for Fusion Science ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200004-NAH |
Understanding of hydrogen dynamics and H/D isotope effect in molecular crystals Masanori Tachikawa(Graduate School of Nanobioscience, Yokohama City University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200005-NAH |
Efficient algorithms for the shortest vector problem using massive parallel computing Kenji Kashiwabara(Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200006-NAH |
Large scale simulation for turbulent transport of many dispersed particles Takeshi Watanabe(Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200007-NAH |
Development and Application of Risk Evaluation for Heat Stroke Akimsa Hirata(Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200008-NAH |
Developing Accuracy Assured High Performance Numerical Libraries for Eigenproblems TAKAHIRO KATAGIRI(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200009-NAH |
Effect of spiral vortices on the turbulent transition in three-dimensional boundary layer formed on a rotating disk Lee Keunseob(Gifu University・Graduate school of natural science and technology ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200010-NAH |
Dynamics of the finite temperature QCD Hiroshi Suzuki(Faculty of Science, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200012-NAH |
Large-scale phase-field simulations for abnormal grain growth Tomohiro Takaki(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200013-NAH |
Study of QCD matter at high density with GPU code and multiple precision algorithm MASAYUKI WAKAYAMA(School of Science and Engineering, Kokushikan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200015-NAH |
Probabilistic risk analysis using surrogate models obtained by high performance disaster simulations. Moriguchi Shuji(Tohoku University, International Research Institute of Disaster Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200016-NAH |
Structure-Property Relationships of Polymeric Materials Based on Data Science Yoshifumi Amamoto(Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200018-NAH |
A Fully-explicit Computation for Incompressible Gas-liquid Two-phase Flows with Mesh Refinement Adapting to Interfaces and Implementation on a GPU Supercomputer - Foam Computation using MPF Method - Takayuki Aoki(Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200019-NAH |
Study on Multi-scale Space Plasma Simulations with Cross-Reference Framework Yohei Miyake(Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering, Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200020-MDH |
Machine-learning construction of a model describing macroeconomic behaviors YOSHITAKA SAIKI(Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200021-NAH |
Construction of a platform for data science of high Reynolds number turbulence Takashi Ishihara(Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200022-DAH |
Synthetic Population Data Distribution System for Social Data Analysis and Simulation Tadahiko Murata(Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200023-NAHI |
Hierarchical low-rank approximation methods on distributed memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Global Scientific Information and Computing Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200025-ISH |
A quantitative evaluation of the resilience with a wide-area distributed platform "Distcloud" HIROKI KASHIWAZAKI(Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development, National Institute of) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200027-ISH |
Development and Scalability Evaluation of Distributed Deep Learning Framework for Extremely Large Neural Networks Masahiro Tanaka(Data-driven Intelligent System Research Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200028-NAH |
Numerical simulation on injectors of rotating detonation engines Akiko Matsuo(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology,) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200029-NAH |
Development of efficient boundary integral equation method and application to gigantic earthquake simulations Ryosuke Ando(Department of earth and planetary science, School of science, University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200030-NAH |
Mechanism for meson mass generation in lattice QCD with chiral fermion Motoo Sekiguchi(Kokushikan University, School of Science and Engineering ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200031-NAH |
Developing Monte Carlo codes available for high-density 2-color QCD as a way to determine the phase diagram Kei Iida(Kochi University, Research and Education Faculty, Natural Sciences Cluster, Science and Technology Unit ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200032-NAH |
Intrinsic magnetic superconductivity and supercurrent in external magnetic field vertical to intrinsic magnetization Hirono Kaneyasu(University of Hyogo, Graduate School of Material Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200034-NAH |
Constructions of fundamental theory in particle methods and their expansion to multiphysics simulator Masao Ogino(Faculty of Informatics, Daido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200035-NAH |
Development of Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis for Aortic Dissection Risk Assessment Ryo Takeda(Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200036-MDHI |
High resolution simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on realistic whole-heart geometries Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center,The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200037-NAH |
Numerical Methods with High-Performance, Trans Precision and High Reliability Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200038-MDH |
Combination of HPC and high-speed data transfer technologies for big-data processing systems Takeshi Murata(ICT Testbed Research and Development Promotion Center, Social Innovation Unit,) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200039-NAH |
Mechanism of heat exchange of complicated structures by two-phase heat and fluid flow simulation Masayuki Kaneda(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200040-NAH |
Performance evaluation of airplane engines with high fidelity to flight conditions - for accomplishing integrated fluid computations of operating engines and airframes Haruki Ishikawa(The University of Electro-Communications ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200041-NAH |
Innovative Multigrid Methods II Akihiro Fujii(Department of Comuter Science, Faculty of informatics, Kogakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200042-DAH |
Study of computer-assisted detection of lesions in medical images using Deep Learning Sato Issei(Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200043-MDHI |
Development of Fast Surrogate for Approximating Large-scale 3D Blood Flow Simulation Takashi Shimokawabe(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200045-NAH |
Performance Prediction Techniques for Numerical Methods in the Exascale Era fukaya takeshi(Information Initiative Center, Hokkaido University ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200046-DAH |
Toward large-scale medical image processing by using distributed machine learning Satoshi OHSHIMA(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200047-NWH |
Construction of Hybrid Cloud System and Genome Data Transfer among Multiple Regions MASAO NAGASAKI(Human Biosciences Unit for the Top Global Course) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200048-NAH |
Study on scalar transport in complex turbulent flows by large-scale numerical simulation Tatsuya Tsuneyoshi(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200049-NAH |
Detailed analyses of early Universe in lattice QCD numerical simulations Masakiyo Kitazawa(Department of Physics, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200050-NAH |
Enhancement of ensemble simulation and data assimilation for plume analysis code Yuta Hasegawa(Japan Atomic Energy Agency・Center for Computational Science & e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200051-NAHI |
Scalable Multigrid Poisson solver for AMR-based CFD applications in Nuclear Engineering Naoyuki Onodera(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200052-NAH |
Development of numerical methods for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous and anisotropic materials and their application to nondestructive inspection Takahiro SAITOH(Department of civil and environmental engineering, Gunma University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200053-MDHI |
Preparing for Exa-systems: Performance portable implementation and scalable data analysis Yuuichi ASAHI(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) / Fusion Energy Research and Development Directorate) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200059-NAH |
Waveform tomography of the structure model in the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake by using large-scale seismic-wave simulations Taro Okamoto(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200060-NAH |
Estimation of building energy demand based on activity simulation of national population Yohei Yamaguchi(Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200061-NAH |
Enhancement of the GW space-time code for treatment of organic-metal interfaces Yanagisawa Susumu(University of the Ryukyus) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200062-NAH |
Real-time forecast experiments on sudden local severe storms Takemasa Miyoshi(RIKEN Center for Computational Research ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh200064-NAH |
Improvement of the accuracy for predicting wind environment based on machine learning and its application to disaster prevention technology Youhei Takagi(Yokohama National University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh201003-NWJ |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2021 | FY 2021 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 48 themes | |
FY 2021 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh210001-NAH |
Projection of flood damage estimation in Japan So Kazama(School of Engineering, Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210002-NAHI |
Developing Accuracy Assured High Performance Numerical Libraries for Eigenproblems TAKAHIRO KATAGIRI(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210003-NAH |
Mixed-precision Poisson solver for CFD applications in Nuclear Engineering on GPU, CPU, and ARM processors Naoyuki Onodera(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210004-NAH |
Development of high-performance parallel code for LES of MHD turbulence MIURA Hideaki(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210005-NAH |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki Ohtani(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210006-NAH |
A study of hydrogen quantum effect in crystalline system based on large-scale electronic structure simulations Masanori Tachikawa(Yokohama City University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210009-MDH |
Combination of HPC and high-speed data transfer technologies for big-data processing systems Takeshi Murata(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210010-NAH |
Large-scale phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulations for full-scale solidification structure prediction during additive manufacturing Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210011-DAH |
Study of computer-assisted detection of lesions in medical images using deep learning Sato Issei(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210012-MDH |
Large-scale aeroacoustic simulation on wind instruments and acoustic equipments Kinya Takahashi(Kyushu Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210013-NAH |
Simulation for a gerris running on water surface Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210014-NAH |
Large scale simulation for turbulent transport of many dispersed particles Takeshi Watanabe(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210015-NAH |
High-performance and Highly-reliable Numerical Methods and Applications Takeshi Ogita(Tokyo Woman's Christian University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210016-NAH |
Developing Monte Carlo codes available for high-density 2-color QCD as a way to determine the phase diagram Kei Iida(Kochi University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210017-MDH |
Development of physics informed machine learning for soft matter: polymer flows and beyond John Molina(Dept. Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210018-NWH |
Construction of Hybrid Cloud System and Genome Data Transfer among Multiple Regions MASAO NAGASAKI(Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210019-NAH |
Application of Software Auto-Tuning Technology to Machine Teruo Tanaka(Kogakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210020-NAH |
A numerical study on the referential grain size of permeability models Moriguchi Shuji(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210021-MDHI |
High resolution simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on realistic whole-heart geometries Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210022-MDH |
Integration of 3D Simulation for Seismic Wave Propagation & Real-Time Data Assimilation Kengo Nakajima(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210023-NAH |
Development of efficient boundary integral equation method and application to gigantic earthquake simulations Ryosuke Ando(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210024-NAHI |
Hierarchical low-rank approximation methods on distributed memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210026-NAH |
Innovative Multigrid Methods II Akihiro Fujii(Kogakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210027-NAH |
Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov vectors of a dynamical system constructed by machine learning YOSHITAKA SAIKI(Hitotsubashi University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210028-NAH |
Mechanism of heat exchange of complicated structures by two-phase heat and fluid flow simulation Masayuki Kaneda(Osaka Prefecture University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210029-NAH |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Stent Graft Treatment for Aortic Dissection using Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis Ryo Takeda(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210030-DAH |
Optimization of medical image application toward large-scale distributed medical imaging Satoshi OHSHIMA(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210031-NAH |
Numerical simulation of ice impacts on ship Watanabe Seiya(Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210032-NAH |
Mechanism for mass generation of scalar mesons in lattice QCD Motoo Sekiguchi(Kokushikan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210033-NAH |
Fusion of high-performance wave analysis techniques and data science toward the realization of NDE4.0 Takahiro SAITOH(Gunma University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210034-NAH |
Construction of a platform for data science of high Reynolds number turbulence Takashi Ishihara(Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210035-NAH |
Development of GPU-based Simulator for Polymer Materials to Control Bond-Cross-Prohibition Katsumi Hagita(National Defence Academy) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210036-NAH |
Improvements of FMO program ABINIT-MP for huge scale systems Yuji Mochizuki(Rikkyo University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210037-NAH |
Constructions of fundamental theory and technology in particle methods and their expansion to multiphysics simulator Masao Ogino(Daido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210038-NAH |
Study on scalar transport in complex turbulent flows by large-scale numerical simulation Tatsuya Tsuneyoshi(Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210040-MDH |
Synthetic Population Project: Assignment of Working/Schooling Places & Deep Learning-Based Residential Place Classification Tadahiko Murata(Kansai University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210041-NAH |
Development and Application of Risk Evaluation for Heat Stroke Akimsa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210044-NAH |
Performance Prediction Techniques for Numerical Methods in the Exascale Era fukaya takeshi(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210045-NAH |
Networked Materials Informatics based on Absolute Energy Estimation by TOMBO Yoshiyuki Kawazoe(Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210046-NAH |
Dynamic Load Balancing Framework Based on Graph Structures and its Application to S-version Finite Element Method Naoki Morita(The University of Tsukuba) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210047-NAH |
Study on Multi-scale Space Plasma Simulations with Cross-Reference Framework Yohei Miyake(Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210049-MDH |
Developping data driven analysis methods for extreme scale numerical simulations Yuuichi ASAHI(Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210051-MDH |
Development of Fast Surrogate for Approximating Large-scale 3D Blood Flow Simulation Takashi Shimokawabe(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210052-NAH |
Integrated Simulation of Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and Structure to Establish Design Study Techniques for Propeller-Driven Small Aircraft Masahiro Kanazaki(Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210053-NAH |
Efficient Method for Integrated Optimization of Flow Control Devices and Body Geometries Takashi Matsuno(Tottori University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210054-NAH |
Waveform tomography for the structure model of the subduction zones by using large-scale seismic-wave simulations: the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and the Ryukyu (Nansei-Shoto) island arc area Taro Okamoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh210056-ISH |
Development of an AI system that makes orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning Chihiro Tanikawa(Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh211001-NWJ |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2022 | FY 2022 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 63 themes | |
FY 2022 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh220001 |
Large-scale aeroacoustic simulation on wind instruments and acoustic equipments Kinya Takahashi(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220002 |
Monte-Carlo study of color-confinement mechanism of QCD due to Dirac-type monopoles Tsuneo Suzuki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220003 |
Large scale simulation for turbulent transport of many dispersed particles Takeshi Watanabe(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220004 |
Development of massively parallelized particle simulation code for fusion plasma research and visualization of the simulation results Hiroaki Ohtani(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220005 |
Development of high-performance parallel code for LES of MHD turbulence MIURA Hideaki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220006 |
First-principles simulation on deuterated hydrogen bonding netwok in protein Masanori Tachikawa(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220007 |
Machine Learning Modeling of Dynamical Systems by using Biased Training Data YOSHITAKA SAIKI(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220009 |
Hierarchical low-rank approximation methods on distributed memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220010 |
Improvements of FMO program ABINIT-MP for huge scale systems Yuji Mochizuki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220011 |
Toward practical applications of large scale distributed medical image processing Satoshi OHSHIMA(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220012 |
Acceleration of multi-physics particle simulator in multi-GPU environments across computer nodes mitsuteru asai(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220013 |
Development of efficient boundary integral equation method and application to gigantic earthquake simulations Ryosuke Ando(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220014 |
Construction of Structural Variation Panel and Annotation using Hybrid Cloud System MASAO NAGASAKI(Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220016 |
Large-scale Simulation of Offshore Wind Farm using Lattice Boltzmann Method Watanabe Seiya(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220017 |
Study on Multi-scale Space Plasma Simulations with Cross-Reference Framework Yohei Miyake(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220018 |
Projection of flood damage and its adaptation measures in Japan Yoshiya Touge(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220019 |
High performance computing for large-scale unclarified slope disasters by using MPM and FEM Kenjiro Terada(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220020 |
Uncertainty Quantificaiton of extreme weather prediction Yohei Sawada(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220021 |
Developing Monte Carlo codes available for high-density 2-color QCD as a way to determine the phase diagram Kei Iida(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220022 |
High-performance and Highly-reliable Numerical Methods and Applications Takeshi Ogita(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220023 |
Development of power model and large-scale phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulations for additive manufacturing Tomohiro Takaki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220024 |
Chiral symmetry and mechanism for scalar meson mass generation in lattice QCD Motoo Sekiguchi(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220025 |
Flexible computing resource offering policy by collaboration of computing centers Hiroyuki Takizawa(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220026 |
Evaluation of aortic dissections and treatment methods using numerical simulation Ryo Takeda(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220027 |
Development of large-scale direct numerical simulation codes for turbulence using asynchronous I/O capability YOKOKAWA MITSUO(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220029 |
Integration of 3D Simulation for Seismic Wave Propagation & Real-Time Data Assimilation Kengo Nakajima(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220030 |
Urban wind database for immediate high-resolution prediction Naoyuki Onodera(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220031 |
Targeting exa-scale systems: performance portability and scalable data analyses Yuuichi ASAHI(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220032 |
Improvement of interface capturing method for gas-liquid two-phase flow analysis in nuclear energy field Kenta Sugihara(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220033 |
Fusion of high-performance wave analysis techniques and data science toward the realization of NDE4.0 Takahiro SAITOH(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220034 |
Application of Machine Learning to the Elementary Physics Experiments Masako Iwasaki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220035 |
Extending Distcloud, improving continuity, and researching its applications HIROKI KASHIWAZAKI(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220036 |
Practical acceleration methods to achieve high performance for large-scale applications Takashi Shimokawabe(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220037 |
Networked Materials Informatics based on Absolute Energy Estimation by TOMBO Yoshiyuki Kawazoe(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220038 |
Accelaration of Polymer Materials Simulations through GPU Parallel Computing Katsumi Hagita(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220040 |
Mechanism of heat exchange of complicated structures by two-phase heat and fluid flow simulation Masayuki Kaneda(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220041 |
High resolution simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on realistic whole-heart geometries Kengo Nakajima(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220042 |
Development of a framework for human-cloth-airflow interaction simulation Takayuki Aoki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220043 |
Development and Application of Risk Assessment Simulator for Heat-Related Illness Akimasa Hirata(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220044 |
Application of Software Auto-Tuning Technology to Machine Learning Software Teruo Tanaka(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220046 |
Study on Next Generation Accelerator and Its file IO HANAWA TOSHIHIRO(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220047 |
Static Load Balancing Framework Generalized by Graph Structures and its Application to Mesh-free Methods Naoki Morita(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220048 |
Combination of HPC and high-speed data transfer technologies for big-data processing systems Takeshi Murata(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220049 |
Innovative Multigrid Methods II Akihiro Fujii(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220050 |
Implementation and Application of High-Performance Empirical Dynamic Modeling Keichi Takahashi(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220051 |
Synthetic Population Project: Construction of Synthetic Population Database on mdx Tadahiko Murata(Oosaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220052 |
Development of surrogate models predicting spatiotemporal dynamics Takashi Shimokawabe(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220053 |
Integrated Simulation of Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and Structure to Establish Design Study Techniques for Propeller-Driven Small Aircraft Masahiro Kanazaki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220054 |
Machine Learning for Soft Matter Flows John Molina(Kyoto University / Dept. Chemical Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220055 |
Prediction of Marine Ecosystem by Integrating Numerical Simulation and Machine Learning Jun Kikuchi(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220056 |
Visualizing and discovering morphological mutations on skeletal specimens using CT imaging and deep learning Takashi Morita(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220057 |
Construction of integrated machine learning molecular dynamics system Masahiko Okumura(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220058 |
Research, development, and evaluation of system software for next-generation academic IT infrastructure Akiyoshi Sugiki(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220060 |
Waveform tomography for the structure model of the subduction zones by using large-scale seismic-wave simulations: the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and the Ryukyu (Nansei-Shoto) island arc area Taro Okamoto(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh220061 |
Efficient Method for Integrated Optimization of Flow Control Devices and Body Geometries Takashi Matsuno(None) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221001 |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221002 |
A large-scale graph neural network for job matching in the medical and nursing areas Toyotaro Suzumura(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221003 |
Development of nationwide synthetic people flow data based on agent model and statistical data Yoshihide SEKIMOTO(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221004 |
Developing a Platform for Constructing and Sharing of Large-Scale Japanese Language Models Akiko AIZAWA(National Institute of Informatics) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221005 |
Material Property Prediction based on Graph Neural Networks and Multi-task Learning Masatoshi Hanai(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221006 |
IT system to connect region and society toward beyond "zero carbon” Yuichiro Kanematsu(The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221007 |
Development of dependency-parsers for “untokenized” natural languages Koichi Yasuoka(Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh221008 |
Advanced utilization of multi-dimensional high definition earth surface data (MHESD) in earth sciences, historiy and archaeology Yuichi S. Hayakawa(Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2023 | FY 2023 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 68 themes | |
FY 2023 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh230001 |
Improvements of FMO program ABINIT-MP for huge scale systems Yuji Mochizuki(Faculuty of Science, Rikkyo University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230002 |
Large-scale aeroacoustic simulation on wind instruments and acoustic equipments Kinya Takahashi(Kyushu Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230003 |
Uncertainty Quantification of extreme weather prediction Yohei Sawada(Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230004 |
Development of high-performance parallel code for LES of MHD turbulence MIURA Hideaki(National Institute for Fusion Science, Department of Helical Plasma Research) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230005 |
New Horizon Technology of Auto-tuning by Software Engineering TAKAHIRO KATAGIRI(Information Technology Center / Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230006 |
Research, development and application of realistic particle simulation code for plasma interdisciplinary science Hiroaki Ohtani(Department of Helical Plasma Research,National Institute of Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230007 |
Heat and fluid flow simulation for high-performance electric motor Masayuki Kaneda(Department of Mechanical Engineering. Osaka Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230009 |
Hierarchical low-rank approximation methods on distributed memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Tokyo Institute of Technology Global Scientific Information and Computing Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230010 |
Study on high performance computing techniques for QR factorization fukaya takeshi(Hokkaido University, Information Initiative Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230011 |
Synthetic Population Project: Population Synthetis Based on 2020 National Census Tadahiko Murata(Cybermedia Center, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230013 |
Real-time wide-area river simulation using 1-m mesh resolution for sediment and flood damage prediction Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology/Global Scientific Information and Computing Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230014 |
Development of Data Assimilation Methods and Observation Systems for a Wind Digital Twin in Urban Areas Naoyuki Onodera(Japan Atomic Energy Agency・Center for Computational Science & e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230015 |
Construction of a platform for standardization of water environment assessment by an integrated system for evaluation of the water environment Matsuzaki Yoshitaka(National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology Port and Airport Research Institute Marine Environment Control System Department Marine Pollusion Management Group) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230016 |
Construction of Structural Variation Panel and Annotation using Hybrid Cloud System MASAO NAGASAKI(Department of Biomedical Information Analysis, Center for Deep Omics Science, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230017 |
Innovative Computational Science by Integration of Simulation/Data/Learning under Heterogeneous Computing Environment Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230018 |
High resolution simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on realistic whole-heart geometries Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230019 |
Large-scale simulation of the interaction between turbulence and particles with internal degrees of freedom Takeshi Watanabe(Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230020 |
Coastal marine ecosystem prediction in Tokyo Bay by machine learning and numerical simulation Jun Kikuchi(RIKEN, Center for Sustainable Resource Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230021 |
Development of a Multi-Resolution Particle Solver with Background Cell Preconditioning mitsuteru asai(Kyushu University・School of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230022 |
Research on reliability improvement of deep learning-based medical image processing Masahiro Oda(Nagoya University・Strategy Office, Information and Communications) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230024 |
Evaluation of flood protection value for irrigation ponds in Japan So Kazama(Tohoku University / Grasuate School of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230025 |
Visualizing and discovering morphological mutations on skeletal specimens using CT imaging and deep learning Takashi Morita(Chubu University Faculty of Emergent Sciences) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230026 |
Accelarations of Polymer Materials Simulations through GPU Parallel Computing Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230027 |
Study on Next Generation Accelerator and Its file IO HANAWA TOSHIHIRO(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230028 |
Construction of a machine learning model of fluid flow with fluctuation of unstable dimensions YOSHITAKA SAIKI(Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230029 |
Large-scale phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulations for accurate material microstructure prediction during additive manufacturing Tomohiro Takaki(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto Institut of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230030 |
Mass generation mechanism of composite scalar particle in lattice QCD Motoo Sekiguchi(Kokushikan University, School of Sience and Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230031 |
Improvement of interface capturing method for gas-liquid two-phase flow analysis in nuclear energy field Kenta Sugihara(Japan Atomic Energy Agency・Center for Computational Science & e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230032 |
Investigation of intramolecular magnetic interaction in rare-earth-based molecular magnets Anas Santria(Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230033 |
Developing AI-assisted high performance fluid simulation codes Maeyama Shinya(National Institute for Fusion Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230035 |
Large-scale comparative genomic analysis to elucidate the evolution and infectious process of pathogenic bacteria Masaya Yamaguchi(Osaka University, Graduate School of DentistryBioinformatics Research Unit) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230036 |
Fusion of high-performance wave analysis techniques and data science toward the
realization of NDE4.0 Takahiro SAITOH(Department of civil and environmental engineering, Gunma University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230037 |
Practical acceleration methods to achieve high performance for large-scale applications Takashi Shimokawabe(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230038 |
Materials Informatics based on Absolute Energy Estimation by TOMBO Yoshiyuki Kawazoe(Tohoku University・New Industry Creation Hatchery Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230039 |
Development of a High-performance Simulation Code for Offshore Wind Farms Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method Watanabe Seiya(Kyushu University Research Institute for Applied Mechanics) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230040 |
Large-scale Diffusion Models for Text Generation Li Zihui(The University of Tokyo, Information Technology Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230042 |
Study on Multi-scale Space Plasma Simulations with Cross-Reference Framework Yohei Miyake(Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230043 |
Development of surrogate models predicting time-dependent fluid dynamics simulations Takashi Shimokawabe(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230044 |
Research for Mahjong AI using deep reinforcement learning Yoshimasa Tsuruoka(Graduate School of Information Science and Technology The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230045 |
Application of Software Auto-Tuning Technology to Machine Learning Software(2) Teruo Tanaka(Kogakuin University, Faculty of Informatics) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230046 |
Multifaceted approach to construct a realistic scenario of gas dissipation in protoplanetary disks Shinsuke Takasao(Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230047 |
Aortic dissection simulation model based on fluid-structure interaction analysis Ryo Takeda(Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230048 |
Research on realization of medical image analysis platform by linking database platform and HPC platform via SINET MURAO Kohei(National Institute of Informatics / Research Center for Medical Bigdata) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230050 |
Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Combustor Size on Detonation Propagation in Rotating Detonation Engine Akiko Matsuo(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230051 |
Multiscale modelling of materials for mechanics Masaki Tanaka(Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230052 |
Investigating the global effects of realistic spatio-temporally varying anthropogenic heat emissions using a high-resolution global climate model VARQUEZ Alvin Christopher Galang(Tokyo Institute of Technology / School of Environment and Society - Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230053 |
High-performance and Highly-reliable Numerical Methods and Applications Takeshi Ogita(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230055 |
Database Construction of Polymer Informatics for Sound Material-Cycle Society Masahiro Sato(School of EngineeringThe University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230056 |
Performance Modeling Methodology for Modern Many-Core Systems Tetsuya Hoshino(Information Technology Center / Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230057 |
Combination of HPC and high-speed data transfer technologies for big-data processing systems Takeshi Murata(ICT Testbed Research and Development Promotion Center, Social Innovation Unit, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230058 |
Optimization of resource mapping for many-core CPU and GPU Masatoshi Kawai(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230060 |
Innovative Multigrid Methods III Akihiro Fujii(School of Informatics, Kogakuin University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230061 |
Machine Learning for Soft Matter Flows John Molina(Kyoto University / Department of Chemical Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230062 |
Integrated Simulation of Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and Structure to Establish Design Study Techniques for Propeller-Driven Small Aircraft Masahiro Kanazaki(Faculty of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230063 |
Efficient Method for Integrated Optimization of Flow Control Devices and Body Geometries Takashi Matsuno(Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230064 |
Graduate school of Information Science, University of Hyogo Hayato Shiba(Information Technology Center, the University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230065 |
Construction of Anharmonic Phonon Database and Data-driven Development Thermal Functional Materials Junichiro Shiomi(The University of Tokyo / School of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230066 |
Research, development, and evaluation of system software for next-generation academic IT infrastructure Yohei Kuga(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230068 |
Waveform tomography for the structure model of the subduction zones by using large-scale seismic-wave simulations: the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and the Ryukyu (Nansei-Shoto) island arc area Taro Okamoto(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230069 |
Integrated system for machine learning molecular dynamics simulations Masahiko Okumura(Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Center for Computational Science and e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh230070 |
High performance computing for large-scale unclarified slope disasters by using MPM and FEM Kenjiro Terada(International Research Institute of Disaster Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh231001 |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh231002 |
Development of dependency-parsers for “untokenized” natural languages Koichi Yasuoka(Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh231004 |
Representation Learning for Large-scale Geospatial Data Towards Society 5.0 Toyotaro Suzumura(Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh231005 |
Advanced utilization of multi-dimensional high definition earth surface data (MHESD) in earth sciences, history and archaeology yuichi hayakawa(Earth and Environmental Science, Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh231006 |
Developing a Platform for Constructing and Sharing of Large-Scale Japanese Language Models Akiko Aizawa(National Institute of Informatics・Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh231008 |
Development of the data platform of Tomo-e Gozen Satoshi Takita(Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh231009 |
Pre-trained model based on Graph Neural Network for Material Property Prediction Masatoshi Hanai(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2024 | FY 2024 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 77 themes | |
FY 2024 Exploratory Themes(Japanese only) |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh240001 |
Making FMO Program ABINIT-MP Next Generation Yuji Mochizuki(Faculuty of Science, Rikkyo University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240002 |
New Horizon Technology of Auto-tuning by Software Engineering TAKAHIRO KATAGIRI(Information Technology Center / Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240003 |
Large-scale comparative genomic analysis to elucidate the evolution and infectious process of pathogenic bacteria Masaya Yamaguchi(National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240004 |
Development of multi-hierarchy turbulence simulation code with dynamic reduce modelling MIURA Hideaki(National Institute for Fusion Science Department of Research) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240005 |
GPU Implementation of Molecular-Gas-Dynamics Codes and Simulations of Phase Separation Shigeru Takata(Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240006 |
Simulation of earthquake-induced geomechanical failure phenomena using a seismic response and crack propagation analysis method with wide-area and high-resolution Taiki Shimbo(National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College/ Department of Civil Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240007 |
Three-dimensional simulation of proton-boron magnetic fusion by micro-toroidal Masakatsu MURAKAMI(Osaka University/Institute of Laser Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240008 |
Research, development and application of realistic particle simulation code for plasma interdisciplinary science Hiroaki Ohtani(National Institute for Fusion Science / Department of Research) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240009 |
Temperature Rise for Non-Ionizing Radiation Exposure Considering Environmental Factors Sachiko Kodera(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240011 |
Construction of a platform for standardization of water environment assessment by Ecological hydrodynamic simulation system by PARI Matsuzaki Yoshitaka(National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology Port and Airport Research Institute Marine Environment Control System Department Marine Pollusion Management Group) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240012 |
Development of data assimilation system and morphological investigation for dendrite growth of hexagonal close-packed alloys Tomohiro Takaki(Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240013 |
Response of Band-shaped Rainfall to Atmospheric Field Changes: WRF ensemble simulation-based analysis Yusuke Hiraga(Tohoku University / Grasuate School of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240015 |
Construction of Haplotype Reference using Long Read Sequencer and Pilot Implementation of Cross-Cloud Batch Job Framework Across Multiple Different Cloud Platform MASAO NAGASAKI(Division of Biomedical Information Analysis, Medical Research Center for High Depth Omics, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240016 |
Development of Computational Techniques for Coupled Simulation of Space-Terrestrial-Planetary Systems Yohei Miyake(Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240017 |
Multi-scale Simulator Based on Static Load Balancing Framework Generalized by Graph Structures Naoki Morita(Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240018 |
Data assimilation for high-resolution wind simulation in urban areas Naoyuki Onodera(Prometech Software, Inc.) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240019 |
Development of a method for removing facial muscle measurement devices from facial images using image generation Kei Shimonishi(Kyoto University・Academic Center for Education and Media Studies) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240020 |
Large-scale simulation of the interaction between turbulence and particles with internal degrees of freedom Takeshi Watanabe(Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240021 |
Novel Expansion of High-performance and Highly-reliable Numerical Methods and Applications TAKAHIRO KATAGIRI(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240022 |
Free-flight Simulation of Air Taxi Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Institute of Technology/Global Scientific Information and Computing Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240023 |
Two-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Dynamic Response of Floating Body for Offshore Wind Turbine in Waves Watanabe Seiya(Kyushu University・Research Institute for Applied Mechanics) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240026 |
Exploration of Strong Green Color Emitting Material by TOMBO Yoshiyuki Kawazoe(Tohoku University・New Industry Creation Hatchery Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240028 |
Development of the Self-learning Monte Carlo method with CPU and GPU Yuki Nagai(Japan Atomic Energy Agency・Center for Computational Science and e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240029 |
Innovative Computational Science by Integration of Simulation/Data/Learning on Heterogeneous Supercomputers Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240030 |
High resolution simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on realistic whole-heart geometries Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240031 |
Development of fast sweep method for frequency response of wave scattering fields and its application to metamaterial device design Yasuhiro Matsumoto(Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Tech.) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240032 |
Deployment of a Particle Method with Multi-Resolution Cell Preprocessing for Unified Compressible and Incompressible Fluid mitsuteru asai(Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240033 |
Hierarchical Low-Rank Approximation Methods on Distributed Memory and GPUs Rio Yokota(Center for Information Infrastructure,Institute of Science Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240034 |
Mass generation mechanism of composite scalar particle in 2(+1) flavor lattice QCD Motoo Sekiguchi(Kokushikan University, School of Sience and Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240035 |
Development of high-performance wave analysis and inverse analysis techniques for accelerating NDE4.0 Takahiro SAITOH(Department of civil and environmental engineering, Gunma University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240037 |
Development of privacy protection features in a care system using video IoT Shin Suzuki(Faculty of Regional Policy, Aichi University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240038 |
Benchmarking Modern Extensions of Fortran Using Plasma Fusion Simulation Code Yasuo Okabe(Kyoto UniveristyAcademic Center for Computing and Media Studies) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240039 |
Research on speeding up surface analysis simulations and data-driven science softwares Shuhei Kudo(Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240040 |
High performance computing for large-scale unclarified slope disasters by using MPM and FEM Kenjiro Terada(Tohoku University/Department of Civil Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240041 |
High-Performance Computing of Flow Around Fractal Tree Ryo Onishi(Center for Information Infrastructure,Institute of Science Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240042 |
Heat and fluid flow simulation for high-performance electric motor Masayuki Kaneda(Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka Metropolitan univ.) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240045 |
Efficient Method for Integrated Optimization of Flow Control Devices and Body Geometries Takashi Matsuno(Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240047 |
Digital platform for plant aerodynamic simulations Yusuke Takahashi(Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240048 |
Numerical investigation of Supersonic Turbulent Phenomena Interferenced with Exhaust Flow of Detonation Engines Akiko Matsuo(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240049 |
Development of a batched quantum circuit simulator for the NISQ era Keichi Takahashi(Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240050 |
Multifaceted approach to construct a realistic scenario of gas dissipation in protoplanetary disks Shinsuke Takasao(Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240051 |
Analysis of Mathematical Structure of Reservoir Computing Model YOSHITAKA SAIKI(Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240052 |
Practical acceleration methods to achieve high performance for large-scale applications Takashi Shimokawabe(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240053 |
Study on high performance computing techniques for QR factorization fukaya takeshi(Hokkaido University, Information Initiative Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240054 |
The Elucidation of Non-equilibrium States of Catalysis by Machine Learning Aided Atomic Simulations Yoshitada Morikawa(Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240056 |
Waveform tomography for the structure model of the subduction zones by using large-scale seismic-wave simulations: the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and the Ryukyu (Nansei-Shoto) island arc area Taro Okamoto(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240057 |
Study on speeding up numerical methods for solving large-scale linear matrix equations Yuki Satake(Hokkaido University / Information Initiative Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240058 |
Study on the real effect of non-blocking collective communications Takeshi Nanri(Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240059 |
Integrated system for machine learning molecular dynamics simulations Masahiko Okumura(Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Center for Computational Science and e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240060 |
Uncertainty Quantification of extreme weather prediction Yohei Sawada(Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240061 |
Database Construction of Polymer Informatics for Sound Material-Cycle Society Masahiro Sato(School of EngineeringThe University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240062 |
Construction of a platform for data-driven science of high Reynolds number turbulence Takashi Ishihara(Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240063 |
Physics Informed Machine Learning for Soft Matter John Molina(Kyoto University / Department of Chemical Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240065 |
Aerodynamic-Structural Coupled Calculation and Optimization of Wing Vein Patterns for Flexible Membrane Wings for Mars Airplane Masahiro Kanazaki(Faculty of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240066 |
Large-scale simulations of fluid sound using discrete differential forms with unstructured meshes Hiroki Fukagawa(DeepFlow, Inc.) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240067 |
Research on realization of medical image analysis platform by linking database platform and HPC platform via SINET MURAO Kohei(National Institute of Informatics / Research Center for Medical Bigdata) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240068 |
Synthetic Population Project: Workplace Attribute Estimation for Synthetic Population Tadahiko Murata(D3 Center, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240069 |
End-to-end speech generative model Noriyuki Kojima(Kotoba Technologies Japan, Inc.) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240070 |
Development of predictive models for the dynamics of amorphous systems by graph neural networks and generative models Hayato Shiba(Graduate School of Information Science, ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240071 |
Development of a bubble coalescence model for gas-liquid two-phase fluid calculations using the interface capturing method Kenta Sugihara(Japan Atomic Energy Agency・Center for Computational Science & e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240072 |
Optimization of resource mapping for many-core CPU and GPU Masatoshi Kawai(Nagoya University, Information Technology Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240074 |
Energy Efficient Operation for Supercomputing Systems HANAWA TOSHIHIRO(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240076 |
Large-scale Fluid Analysis and Engineering Applications with Complex Boundaries Using Cartesian Grid Method Yuki Kawamoto(Tokai University, Department of Mechanical Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240077 |
Combination of HPC and high-speed data transfer technologies for big-data processing systems Takeshi Murata(ICT Testbed Research and Development Promotion Center, Social Innovation Unit, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240079 |
Study on accelerating climate simulation using AI weather models Hisashi Yashiro(National Institute for Enviromental Studies) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240080 |
Innovative multigrid III Akihiro Fujii(Kogakuin University/School of informatics) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240081 |
Study on Next Generation Accelerator and Its file IO HANAWA TOSHIHIRO(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh240082 |
Improvements in aortic dissection simulation method based on fluid-structure interaction analysis Ryo Takeda(Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241001 |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241002 |
Development of the data platform of Tomo-e Gozen Satoshi Takita(Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241004 |
Large Language Models for Recommender Systems Toyotaro Suzumura(Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241005 |
Data-Driven Analysis of Axial Fan Nose using Large-Scale Numerical Simulation and Machine Learning Tomoaki Tatsukawa(Tokyo University of Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241007 |
Experiment support system based on first person perspective videos and procedural texts Hirotaka Kameko(Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241008 |
Development of dependency-parsers for “untokenized” natural languages Koichi Yasuoka(Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241009 |
Development of a common analysis infrastructure for global km-scale models Masaki Satoh(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241010 |
Comprehensive Data Platform for Experimantal and Theoretical Materials Science: Toward Nationwide Service Deployment Masatoshi Hanai(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh241011 |
Development of RE-CODE, a data platform to accelerate social implementation of technologies for beyond zero-carbon Yuichiro Kanematsu(Presidential Endowed Chair for "Platinum Society", The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
2025 | FY 2025 Themes [PDF] |
Total: 74 themes |
Theme ID | Title Principal Investigator |
jh250001 |
Safty Assessment of Non-Ionizing Radiation Exposure Considering Environmental Factors Sachiko Kodera(Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250002 |
Making FMO Program ABINIT-MP Next Generation Yuji Mochizuki(Faculuty of Science, Rikkyo University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250005 |
Development of new compressible flow solver based on Logarithm conformation representation Takashi NAKAZAWA(Kanakazawa Universtiy・Emerging Media Initiative) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250006 |
Clarification of earthquake-induced geomechanical failure phenomena using a seismic response Peridynamics with unstructured grid particles Taiki Shimbo(National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College/ Department of Civil Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250008 |
Large-scale computation for quantitive heat removal evalution by direct coooling of electric motor Masayuki Kaneda(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250010 |
Construction of Haplotype Reference using Long Read Sequencer and Pilot Implementation of Cross-Cloud Batch Job Framework Across Multiple Different Cloud Platform MASAO NAGASAKI(Division of Biomedical Information Analysis, Medical Research Center for High Depth Omics, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250011 |
Generation of GeV protons by micro nozzle acceleration Masakatsu MURAKAMI(Osaka University/Institute of Laser Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250012 |
Construction of a platform for standardization of water environment assessment by EcoPARI which is a ecological hydrodynamics simulation system Matsuzaki Yoshitaka(National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology Port and Airport Research Institute Marine Environment Control System Department Marine Pollusion Management Group) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250013 |
Development of multi-hierarchy turbulence simulation code with dynamic reducemodelling MIURA Hideaki(National Institute for Fusion Science Department of Research) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250014 |
Development of Computational Techniques for Coupled Simulation of Space-Terrestrial-Planetary Systems Yohei Miyake(Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250015 |
New Horizon Technology of Auto-tuning by Software Engineering TAKAHIRO KATAGIRI(Information Technology Center / Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250016 |
Large-scale comparative genomic analysis to elucidate the evolution and infectious process of pathogenic bacteria Masaya Yamaguchi(Microbial Research Center for Health and Medicine, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250017 |
DisasterVLM: Building Vision-Language Models for Next-Generation Disaster Response Naoto Yokoya(Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250018 |
Novel Expansion of High-performance and Highly-reliable Numerical Methods and Applications (2) TAKAHIRO KATAGIRI(Information Technology Center, Nagoya University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250019 |
Renovating Scientific Application Codes to Unlock the Potential of Next-generation Supercomputers Rio Yokota(Institute of Science Tokyo, Institute of Integrated Research, Supercomputing Research Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250020 |
Climate Change effects on Probable Maximum Precipitation for Mesoscale Convective Systems Yusuke Hiraga(Tohoku University / Grasuate School of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250021 |
High quality modeling of fluid dynamics using reservoir computing YOSHITAKA SAIKI(Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250022 |
Establishing Methods for Modeling Neutral Gas Flows towards the Realization of a Numerical Vacuum Chamber Keita Nishii(Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250023 |
Aerodynamic-Structural Coupled Calculation and Optimization of Wing Vein Patterns for Flexible Membrane Wings for Mars Airplane Masahiro Kanazaki(Faculty of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250024 |
Digital platform for plant aerodynamic simulations Yusuke Takahashi(Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250026 |
Large-scale numerical investigation on Detonation-assisted Turbulent Combustion Phenomena in Scramjet Engine Akiko Matsuo(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250027 |
Innovative Computational Science by Integration of Simulation/Data/Learning on Heterogeneous Supercomputers Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250028 |
High resolution simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on realistic whole-heart geometries Kengo Nakajima(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250029 |
Selective Forgetting for Multimodal Foundation Models Go Irie(Tokyo University of Science Department of Information and Computer Technology, Faculty of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250030 |
Material parameter estimation for dendrite growth simulation by phase-field method and data science Tomohiro Takaki(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250031 |
Multi-scale Simulator Based on Dynamic Load Balancing Framework Generalized by Graph Structures Naoki Morita(Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250032 |
Study on high performance computing techniques for QR factorization fukaya takeshi(Hokkaido University, Information Initiative Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250033 |
Research on realization of medical image analysis platform by linking database platform and HPC platform via SINET MURAO Kohei(National Institute of Informatics / Research Center for Medical Bigdata) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250034 |
Enhancement and performance improvement of the data-driven science framework ODAT-SE Shuhei Kudo(Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250035 |
Next Generation Meso-scale Ensemble Prediction System by Human-Machine Conbined Atmospheric Modeling Yohei Sawada(Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250037 |
Practical acceleration methods to achieve high performance for large-scale applications Takashi Shimokawabe(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250039 |
Large-scale simulation of the interaction between turbulence and particles with internal degrees of freedom Takeshi Watanabe(Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250040 |
Parallelized high-throughput platform for topology analysis of ultra-large-scale polymer MD data Katsumi Hagita(National Defense Academy・Department of Applied Physics) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250041 |
Study on the real effect of non-blocking collective communications Takeshi Nanri(Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250043 |
Innovative Multigrid Methods III Akihiro Fujii( Kogakuin University/School of informatics) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250044 |
Database Construction of Polymer Informatics for Sound Material-Cycle Society Masahiro Sato(School of EngineeringThe University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250045 |
Development of fast sweep method for frequency response of wave scattering fields and its applications to metamaterial device design Yasuhiro Matsumoto(Center for Information Infrastructure, Institute of Science Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250046 |
Development of the Self-learning Monte Carlo method with CPU and GPU Yuki Nagai(Information Technology Center in the University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250048 |
Solid Material Discovery Using Generative Models Masatoshi Hanai(Information Techonology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250050 |
Research on surgical scene recognition utilizing simulation data Masahiro Oda(Nagoya University・ Information Technology Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250051 |
Disgnostic estimation of urban airflows by statistical downscaling using urban turbulence database Atsushi Inagaki(Institute of Science Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250053 |
High performance computing for large-scale unclarified slope disasters by using MPM and FEM Kenjiro Terada(Tohoku Univresity, Graduate school of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250055 |
ReplicaEUJP: Research on the replicability of climate simulations across different computing environments Hisashi Yashiro(National Institute for Enviromental Studies) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250056 |
Velocity/pressure unified solver for the particle method using the variational multiscale method mitsuteru asai(Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250059 |
Energy Efficient Operation for Supercomputer Systems HANAWA TOSHIHIRO(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250060 |
Structure formation at the early Universe revealed by numerical simulations Atsushi J. Nishizawa(Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University・DX Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250062 |
Urgent job execution by collaboration of multiple computing centers Hiroyuki Takizawa(Tohoku University Cyverscience Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250063 |
Large language model driven evolutionary algorithm for automatically generating optimization benchmark problems Tomohiro Harada(Saitama University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250064 |
Synthetic Population Project: Time Use Allocation to Agents in Synthetic Population Tadahiko Murata(D3 Center, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250066 |
General relativistic simulation of topological defects in the early universe Naoya Kitajima(Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250067 |
Large-Scale Numerical Analysis of Flow Fields Containing Narrow Clearances and Thin Structures for Engineering Applications Yuki Kawamoto(Tokai University, Department of Mechanical Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250068 |
Study on speeding up numerical methods for solving large-scale linear matrix equations Yuki Satake(Hokkaido University / Information Initiative Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250070 |
Development of high-performance wave analysis and inverse analysis techniques for accelerating NDE4.0 Takahiro SAITOH(Department of civil and environmental engineering, Gunma University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250072 |
Machine Learning-Driven Multi-Scale Simulations for Green Catalysis Design Yoshitada Morikawa(Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250073 |
AI leveraged multiscale scheme for kinetic equations Shugo YASUDA(University of Hyogo, Graduate School of Information Science) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250074 |
Construction of a platform for data-driven science of high Reynolds number turbulence Takashi Ishihara(Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250075 |
Large scale numerical simulation to predict fracturing process in underground rock masses induced by injection of carbon dioxide with water and its application to Geothermal Power Generation using carbon dioxide. Sho Ogata(Division of Global Architecture Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250076 |
Multifaceted approach to construct a realistic scenario of gas dissipation in protoplanetary disks Shinsuke Takasao(Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250078 |
Development of predictive models for the dynamics of amorphous systems by graph neural networks and generative models Hayato Shiba(Graduate School of Information Science, ) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250079 |
Study on Efficient FileIO for GPU HANAWA TOSHIHIRO(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250081 |
End-to-End Differentiable Fluid-Particle Simulations John Molina(Kyoto University / Department of Chemical Engineering) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250082 |
High-Performance Computing of Flow Around Fractal Tree Ryo Onishi(Institute of Science Tokyo, Institute of Integrated Research, Supercomputing Research Center) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250083 |
Program optimization based on "All Core Computing" Satoshi OHSHIMA(Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250084 |
Waveform tomography for the structure model of the subduction zones by using large-scale seismic-wave simulations: the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and the Ryukyu (Nansei-Shoto) island arc area Taro Okamoto(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science, Institute of Science Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250087 |
Validation of the Two-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Method for Wake Vortex-Induced Gas Entrainment YOS PANAGAMAN SITOMPUL(Japan Atomic Energy Agency・Center for Computational Science & e-Systems) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh250088 |
Construction of a Large Language Model specialized for Prediction of Brain Activity Ichiro Kobayashi(Advanced Sciences, Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251002 |
Development of the data platform of Tomo-e Gozen Satoshi Takita(Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251003 |
Study on Storage Architecture for Machine Learning Takaki Nakamura(Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251004 |
Visualization and Statistical Modeling of Financial Big Data Masayuki Jimichi(Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Business Administration) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251005 |
Scaling a Data Platform for Materials Science Masatoshi Hanai(Information Techonology Center, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251007 |
Development of dependency-parsers for “untokenized” natural languages Koichi Yasuoka(Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251011 |
Development of RE-CODE, a data platform to accelerate social implementation of technologies for beyond zero-carbon Yuichiro Kanematsu(Presidential Endowed Chair for "Platinum Society", The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251012 |
Development of a common analysis infrastructure for global km-scale models Masaki Satoh(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo) [ Abstract & Reports ] |
jh251015 |
Construction of geoscientific platform for multi-dimensional high definition earth surface data (MHESD) Yuichi S. Hayakawa(Earth and Environmental Science, Hokkaido University) [ Abstract & Reports ] |