
採択課題 【詳細】

jh230052 Investigating the global effects of realistic spatio-temporally varying anthropogenic heat emissions using a high-resolution global climate model
課題代表者 バルケズアルビンクリスタファーガラン(東京工業大学・環境社会理工学院 - 融合理工学系)
VARQUEZ Alvin Christopher Galang (Tokyo Institute of Technology / School of Environment and Society - Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering)

To deepen our understanding of the urban climate and to address the societal issues in cities, climate modeling with detailed urban representation (e.g. building morphology, anthropogenic heating) is vital. Typically, these investigations are on neighborhood or regional scales of cities. Hence, global datasets of anthropogenic heat emissions (AHE), which corresponds to the added energy from the surface due to human use of energy, are becoming available at high spatial resolutions (e.g. 1-km). 

Meanwhile, global-scale models, ranging from general circulation models to earth system models, are rapidly advancing computationally (i.e. improved efficiency at high spatial resolutions) but with main emphasis on the global climate change. Furthermore, applications of high-resolution global climate models are still lacking. This project aims to bridge the gap by modeling and investigating the spatio-temporal effects of detailed anthropogenic heat emission (AHE) at a global scale using a 14-km spatial resolving general circulation model (GCM).

The findings will provide insight to the spatio-temporal extent of impacts of cities to global climate, in addition to the widely known greenhouse gas effect.

報告書等 研究紹介ポスター 最終報告書