
採択課題 【詳細】

jh190022-NAJ High performance simulations using FreeFem++ on mixed distributed- plus shared-memory architecture
課題代表者 鈴木厚(大阪大学)
Atsushi Suzuki (Osaka University)
概要 We are focused on the finite element method to discretize partial differential equations (PDE). FreeFem++ developed by F. Hecht in LJLL, UPMC is a powerful tool to describe weak formulation of the PDE and it can connect to modern domain decomposition solver, "HPDDM" (by P. Jolivet) for distributed parallelism. The aim of this project is to combine efficient direct solver "Dissection" (by A. Suzuki), inside one node through shared-memory parallelism and HPDDM with "GenEO" preconditioner for numerical robustness of mixed direct- and iterative solver.
報告書等 研究紹介ポスター 最終報告書