
採択課題 【詳細】

jh250028 High resolution simulation of cardiac electrophysiology on realistic whole-heart geometries
課題代表者 中島研吾(東京大学情報基盤センター)
Kengo Nakajima (Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo)
概要 Recent advancements in computational cardiology involve the use of cell-resolved mathematical models of electrophysiology, unlike traditional models that merge intra- and extracellular spaces. These models demand high computational resolution, necessitating advancements in high-performance computing (HPC). The project aims to extend the jh240030 project, enabling cell-resolved simulations of cardiac physiology to enhance understanding of the heart's electrical activities. The EMI (Extracellular-Membrane-Intracellular) model is a key focus, requiring specialized mesh partitioning and new numerical algorithms. The project also aims to leverage GPU computing, particularly with GH200 processors on the Miyabi system, to achieve unprecedented large-scale simulations, advancing knowledge in computational physiology and HPC.
報告書等 研究紹介ポスター / 最終報告書