
採択課題 【詳細】

jh250073 AI leveraged multiscale scheme for kinetic equations
課題代表者 Shugo YASUDA(兵庫県立大学・情報科学研究科)
Shugo YASUDA (University of Hyogo, Graduate School of Information Science)
概要 This research forms an interdisciplinary research team comprising experts in kinetic models for fluids, radiative transfer, plasma, and biology. By fostering knowledge exchange and identifying common challenges across these diverse fields, we aim to address fundamental issues in the numerical computation of kinetic equations and develop robust, generalizable numerical techniques. A key focus will be the development of novel multiscale hybrid methods that combine the mathematical robustness of kinetic equations with the adaptability and scalability of AI technology. These methods aim to significantly improve the accuracy and utility of existing multiscale methods for simulating complex phenomena across various scientific fields.
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