
採択課題 【詳細】

jh250081 End-to-End Differentiable Fluid-Particle Simulations
課題代表者 John Molina(Kyoto University / Dept. Chemical Engineering)
John Molina (Kyoto University / Department of Chemical Engineering)
概要 We will develop an end-to-end differentiable direct numerical simulation (DNS) method for solving inverse fluid-particle problems. For this, we will adopt the Smooth Profile Method, which allows us to directly solve the Navier-Stokes equation, while efficiently and accurately accounting for the fluid-particle interactions. The method will be implemented in JAX/Python, which provides Automatic Differentiation support on multi-GPU systems. This will allow us to (1) solve large-scale inverse flow problems (e.g., optimizing for the fluid/particle properties), as well as (2) incorporate the DNS method within existing Machine-Learning frameworks. This will pave the way towards "designer" soft-matter systems, as well as provide a valuable tool to analyze experimental data.
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